About us

The languages center Hanxue School is a private entity dedicated to promoting the languages learning with specialized teachers. Our activity is focus to teach and develop communication abilitirs and promote cultural and linguistics exchanges.
Our teaching method and cultural exchanges will let our students live new experiences, as living in another country, learn about the culture and meet people to create personal ties and upgrade professional abilities

Our philosophy

Guide to our students every time with the language learning in every possible areas and introduce them into the culture. Our purpose is than they reach a big knowledge about the language and the country. Also, the will have the chance to meet people to create personal ties, understand and live new life styles, and upgrade their communicative and professional abilities.




And muh more

Mission and vision


The languages center Hanxue School is a private entity than looking for promotion, with a high responsability sense, of the languages learning with specialized teachers.

We have a big compromise with our students and their deep language learning: grammar, writing, phonetics, and culture, to reach a big knowledge about the culture where the language is spoken.

Our courses are destinated for every interested person, bringing them the chance to learn a second or third language, to complete their personal, social, cultural and professional develop. 


Our vision is become leaders in teaching, at least, one foreign language as part of the comprehensive training of all our students, with a high competitiveness level and a high sense of social responsibility , as a means to improve education and development in any daily activity


Hanxue School was born in 2019, from the needs of foreing languages studentes; we detected than others schools use a traditional teaching method, focus only in grammar and formal aspects of the language, and ignoring other aspects, for example, the certification of the language

Throught to our educational plans, the students have the chance to choose if they need the official certification of the language throught the national and international tests, or just get a diploma to accredit the courses.


Our faculty

We are pleased to have you join the Hanxue community. We are qualified to provide you with outstanding educational service in languages, culture, certification training in all of the languages we offer, and we are eager to hear and address your doubts about our course plans.