Terms and conditions Hanxue School

By accessing and using this website of Hanxue School you acknowledge and agree have read, understood and conform, without any limitation or qualification to these Terms and Conditions and you are bound by them.

1. Privacy

You acknowledge and agree to the scope, Terms and Conditions of our privacy policy and give your consent to the process of your data in accordance with such policy.

2. Services and items information

Services and books shown in this Site can be ordered and delivered in the concerned countries in it so prior to the purchase or reservation of any service you request, you should consult the section and form of delivery of their services, timetables and costs. All costs in this site are shown in Mexican pesos and are valid and effective in Mexico so if the selling is made in another country, the currency exchange will be made on the corresponding website. As these are services and books, you may not sell or resell on behalf of Hanxue School any services or books purchased.

3. Accuracy of the information

We try to be as precise as possible when describing our services and the description of the books in this site and we avoid any misleading and abusive practice regarding the information or advertising of such services or books. However, to the extent permitted by applicable law, we do not warrant that descriptions of services, books, colors, information or any other content available on the Site are accurate, precise, complete, reliable, current or error-free.

4. Your Obligations and Responsibilities

By accessing or using the site, you agree to comply with these Terms and Conditions, as well as any special notices, access or use instructions posted on the Site. You must at all times act in accordance with law, custom and good faith without limiting the generality of any other provision contained in these Terms and Conditions, if you default negligently or willfully in any of the obligations set forth in these Terms and Conditions, you shall be liable for all damages that this may cause to HANXUE school, our affiliates, business partners or licensors, as well as any third party.

5. Payment method

ALL CARD TRANSACTIONS WILL BE PROCESSED BY OPENPAY. OPENPAY who define themselves as the master key in payment processing for e-commerce for thousands of businesses and companies in Mexico and Latin America. To which, quoting Openpay’s general terms and conditions clause according to the “Acceptance of electronic payments either electronically, through Paynet affiliated chains through all OPENPAY payment methods that are available or will be available on the OPENPAY platform. By using any of our services you accept the Policies that operate them including third party policies; Additionally, you assume all risks related to business operation and undertaking activities on the internet.”We, Hanxue school, as company and you as our users, accept such rules in their terms and conditions. For more information click on the following link which will redirect you to the Open pay terms and conditions. https://www.openpay.mx/docs/terminos-servicio.html

6. Your Account

You can register an account in our Site only if you are 18 and over. Please, avoid registering if you are not 18. If you are 18 and over and you register on our site, you will have an email account/ username and a password for your account. You are responsible for keeping the confidentiality of your account, username and password as well as the restriction of access to your computer. You will respond for the accuracy, veracity, legitimacy and updating of such information. You accept the responsibility of all the undertaking activities with your account, username and password. You agree to provide only accurate, truthful, legitimate and updated. If you log in and use the site on behalf of a third party, you state that you have the authorization and needed faculties to forced such third party client, according to all Terms and conditions considered here and in case of not having such authorization and faculties, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and will be liable for any harm or damage you caused by any improper use of the site or the content.

7. Third Party Links

We are not responsible for the content of any page outside of the internet site or any other linked site to or accessible from the site. Links appearing in the site are for convenience and are not endorsed by us, our affiliates or our business partners in connection with the content, product, service or provider.

Linkage and access to web pages outside the site is under your own risk. We are in no way responsible for examining and evaluating, and therefore we do not guarantee, the offerings and contents of web pages of third parties (off- website) linked from or to the site, and nor do we assume any responsibility or liability for the actions, contents, products or services included in such pages and websites, including, without limitations, their privacy policies, terms and conditions. You are responsible for carefully reviewing the terms and conditions as well as the privacy policies of all web pages, different from this site, to which you access.

8. Proposals

It is our policy to reject unsolicited suggestions and ideas. However, the above, our policy regarding unsolicited suggestions and ideas, as well as any questions, feedback, suggestions, ideas or other information provided by you, including the User Content as defined in section 12 below. (Altogether the «Proposals») will be treated and considered as non- confidential and non- proprietary information. Subject to the terms of our Privacy Policy, by transmitting or posting in the site any proposal, you grant the right and permission in our favor to copy, use, reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, publish, license, distribute, sell or assign such Proposal in any manner that fits, including, without limitation, copying such Proposal in whole or in part creating derivative works of such Proposal, distributing or displaying any Proposal, in any form, mean or technology, whether known or to be known or be developed in the future, whether alone or as part of other works, and using such Proposal within or in connection with our books or services. You also acknowledge that your Proposal will not be returned and that we are expressly authorized to make use of your Proposal and any ideas, concepts contained in it, without payment of any consideration, for any purpose, including, without limitation, the development, manufacture and distribution of services or books. In case you make a Proposal, You express and warrant that you are the owner or you have the control of the rights related to the Proposal. Additionally, you express and warrant that such Proposal does not constitute or contain software viruses, commercial advertising, chain letters, bulk mail or any other form of «spam». You may not use a false email address, assume the identity of another person or entity or other way to mislead us regarding the origin of any of the Proposals . You agree to indemnify us for any claim that may arise from or in connection with any claim of rights in the Proposals or any damages that may arise in connection with them.

9. Safety

This website takes all precautions to protect the information of our users. When the users send sensitive information through the website, their information is protected whether online or offline. All of our employees are aware about the safety and privacy practices. Whenever a policy may cause effects contrary to our mission for our users, our employees will be notified about the importance of compliance of our privacy policies, so that we can assure our customers that their information is properly protected. If you have any questions about security on our web site you can send us an email to the address referenced within this website.

10. User Content

When you transmit, download, post, send via email information or otherwise make available information, text, computer programmes, music, sounds, photographs, graphics, pictures, videos, projects in general, messages or any other kind of materials or data («User Content») in the Site, you will be entirely responsible of such User Content. The above means that will be the third parties and not us the only responsible for User Content that you upload to the site. You agree not to participate in or induce others to engage in activities that involve transmitting, downloading, posting, emailing or otherwise making available on the Site of the User Content that (a) is contrary to laws, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable; (b) which you have no right or authorization to use or spread; or (c) infringes any patent, trademark, industry secret, copyright or any other intellectual or industrial property right of any third party. In addition to the above, you agree to refrain from transmitting, posting, downloading, publishing, emailing or otherwise making available on the Site any software viruses, unsolicited or unauthorized promotionals, promotional material, including chain letters, bulk mail, or any other form of «spam». Likewise, you agree not to (i) impersonate any other person or entity; (ii) stalk, or any other way of harassing, including advocating harassment by others, entrap or harm any third party including harm to minors in any way; (iii) forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers to disguise the origin of any User Content; (iv) intentionally or unintentionally violate any applicable law, whether local, state, national or international; or (v) collect, process or store personally identifiable data about others. We do not endorse or control the User Content transmitted or published in the site, therefore, we do not guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of User Content. You understand that by using the site, you may be exposed to User Content that is offensive, indecent or objectionable to you. Under no circumstances we will be liable in any way for any User Content, including, without limitation, for any errors or omissions in any User Content, or for any damages or injury of any kind incurred by you as a result of the use of any User Content transmitted, uploaded, posted, posted, mailed or otherwise made available by any third party through the site. You acknowledge and agree that we have the right (but not the obligation), in our sole discretion, to refuse to post or remove any User Content. Without limiting the generality of the above or any other provision of these Terms and Conditions, we have the right to remove any User Content that violates these Terms and Conditions, applicable law or is otherwise objectionable. Similarly, we reserve the right to deny the service without prior notice to users who violate these Terms and Conditions, applicable law or infringe the rights of third parties.

11. Warranty and declarations; Limitation of liability

The site is provided on an «as it is». We make no statements or warranties of any kind, either explicit or implicit, in connection with these Terms and Conditions or the site, including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability, non-infringement or adequacy for a particular purpose, except where such representations and warranties are not legally excludable.
You agree that, to the extent permitted by applicable Law, we shall not be liable (whether in contract, tort, including negligence, or otherwise) under any circumstances for any of the following events: (a) business interruption; (b) delays or interruptions in the access to the Site; (c) non-delivery, mis-delivery, corruption, destruction or other modification of information; (d) loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of dealing with or accessing links to internet sites external to the site; (e) computer viruses, bugs or malfunctions that may occur in connection with the use of the site, including hyperlinks to third party websites; (f) any inaccuracies or omissions in content; or (g) events beyond our reasonable control.
In addition, to the extent permitted by law, we will not be liable for any damages or harm related to the site or your use of the site, regardless of the form of action, whether contractual, non- contractual liability (including negligence) or any other kind, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages and under no circumstances our liability exceed one hundred United States dollars ($100) or the equivalent in Mexican pesos.

12. Indemnification

You agree to defend, indemnify and hold HANXUE School harmless for any loss, damages or costs, including reasonable fees from lawyers resulting from any third party claim, action or demand resulting from your use of the site or your breach of these Terms and Conditions. You also agree to indemnify us for any loss, damages or costs, including reasonable fees from lawyers, resulting from your use of software robots, spiders, crawlers, or other similar data gathering and extraction tools, or any other action you may take that imposes an unreasonable burden on our infrastructure or affects other rights.

13. Disputes

With respect to any dispute relating to the site, all rights and obligations and any actions contemplated by these Terms and Conditions will be governed by the laws of the United Mexican States. To the fullest extent permitted by law, any dispute relating in any way to your visit and use of the Site will be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the place where you are domiciled. You expressly submit to such jurisdiction, competence and proceedings, except to the extent that you have in any manner infringed or threatened to infringe our intellectual property rights or those of our affiliates, business partners or licensors, or otherwise have cause to claim for injunctive relief in any court or competent jurisdictional authority.

14. Acceptance to receive Electronic Notifications through website announcements in the site or via email

You agree and consent to receive in electronic form any agreements, notices, notices, disclosures and other communications (collectively «notices») from us that are referred to in these Terms and Conditions, including without limitation receipt by e-mail or by posting notices on the site. You further agree that all Notifications that we deliver to you electronically satisfy any necessary legal requirements as if such communications were in writing.

15. Taxes

All services include 16% (sixteen percent) V.A.T. If any of our services are purchased by someone abroad, the payment of local taxes is the responsibility of the End Client.

16. General

You acknowledge and agree that these Terms and Conditions constitute the complete and exclusive agreement between us regarding your use of the site, and supersede and govern any prior proposals, agreements, contracts or other communications. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time by posting the changes on the site and providing notice of such change. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on the site and the notice of change is released. Your continued use of the site after the above constitutes your acceptance of any changes to the Terms and Conditions. We may, without prior notice to you, terminate any of the rights granted to you under these Terms and Conditions. You will comply immediately with any termination or other notice, including, as applicable, by ceasing to use the site. Nothing contained in these Terms and Conditions will be construed as creating a branch, partnership or any other form of joint venture relationship between you and us. Our failure to require you to comply with any provision of it will not affect our full right to require any action at any time, nor any waiver of a breach of any provision hereof be deemed a waiver of the provision itself. In case that any provision of these Terms and Conditions will be unenforceable or invalid under applicable law, or will be held to be so held by an arbitration award or court decision, such unenforceability or invalidity will not render these Terms and Conditions invalid or void as a whole, but these Terms and Conditions will be modified, to the extent possible, by the adjudicating entity to reflect as nearly as possible the original intent of the parties as reflected in the original provision. If you have any questions regarding these Terms and Conditions, please email us at hanxueschool@gmail.com.