Why learn..?


South Korea is projected as one of the top eight best worldwide economies in 2032.

The entertainment industry has a big grow up in South Korea, and every time is closer to reach the western industry.

The Korean alphabet is easy to write and read.

Why learn..?


Is a big tool to know the anime, and manga world.

Japan is the second bigger economy in the world, is all because the technological and innovative industry than they develop.

Japanese is the third most used language on the internet.

Why learn..?


To 2030, China is projected to become the worldwide first economy.

One in six people in the world, speak Chinese.

Although people think that is a difficult language, especially for the number of characters and tones, but actually is a language that works whit context.

Why learn..?


Is the universal language. Some institutions, as ON or EU, have it like a official language.

Is a key to access to a better education and information; a lot of papers and academic documents are writing in this language.

Thanks to its grammar, it’s one of the easiest languages to learn.

Why learn..?


More of 200 million people speak it around the world, also is the official language in 33 countries.

Is the access key to a cultural broad and a big heritage in cinema, literature, theater, fashion and music. 

For Spanish speakers isn’t difficult to learn it, because both languages share the latin as a common origin.