The main aim of HANXUE SCHOOL is to be a committed and responsible company. We value honesty and transparency and we are committed to building a solid and lasting relation with our users and students based on confidence and mutual benefit. Part of this commitment implies safeguarding their choices respecting their privacy. Respecting their privacy is essential for us, that is why we will define « Our privacy commitment» and all of our privacy policy.


We will respect your privacy and choices
We will ensure that privacy and safety are integrated in all that we do.
We will not send marketing communication at least you request it.
You can change your mind at any time you no longer wish to receive our promotions.
We will not ever lend or sell your data.
We are committed to keeping your data safe and secure. This includes working only with reliable partners.
We are committed to be open and transparent regarding the use of your data.
We will not use your data in ways not informed.
We will respect all your rights and we will always try to satisfy your requests wherever possible according to Mexican law and our operational responsibilities.
For more information about our privacy practices, we set out below the types of personal data that we can receive directly from you or your interaction with us, how we can use it, to whom we can share it, how we protect and keep safe, and your rights about your personal data. Of course, not all situations may not apply to you. This privacy policy provides a general perspective of all possible situations in which we could interact. When you share your personal data with us or when we gather personal data about you, we use it in accordance with this policy. Read this information as well as our questions and answers page (Q&A) (if there is any) with care. If you have any question or concern about your personal data, contact us via email on

Access and security policies

Personal data

Personal data is classified as confidential. It is prohibited any unauthorized processing of such data from the employees. It is prohibited any processing made by an employee that does not form part of their legitimate obligations. The employees can have access to personal data only if it is appropriate for the type and scope of such issue. This requires the definition and separation, as well as the implementation,of the roles and responsibilities.
The employees are prohibited from suing personal data beyond their job in HANXUE SCHOOL, in order to disclose it to unauthorized people or to be available other than the permitted use. Supervisors must inform their employees at the beginning of the working relationship about the liability of protecting personal data. This liability will remain in effect even after that the job has finished.

Personal data must be protected against unauthorized access and the processing or unlawful disclosures. This applies regardless of whether data is processed in paper or electronic form. Before introducing new data processing methods, an privacy impact assessment must be made for the new systems of IT systems which may lead to the implementation of technical and organizational measures to protect personal data.
It is expected that employees follow the safety standards of HANXUE SCHOOL. Please, note that information safety sorts all data as sensitives, internal or public. According to their classification, personal data must be protected according to the applicable safety standards of information.
If suspicious activity occurs, you have suspicion of a cyberattack, suspicion of an incident of security or possible violation of personal data, all employees of HANXUE SCHOOL must inform immediately to information security via email on .