Cancellations and returns

We want to ensure your complete satisfaction when purchasing a service or a book in Hanxue School and we gladly accept a return of any unused service and that has been purchased in HANXUE School. We cannot allow a return of any service after being used or an opened book, damaged or in bad conditions.

If the service you hired is not the provided or the book is not the one you ordered, contact us immediately to obtain assitance by calling (+52) 228 411 5536.

Contact our costumer service to state your case (55) 228 411 5536.
Please, include the format that is attached to your order in order to process the return.
The product must be in the original package without any sings of damage of the original envelope, along with the nota fiscal or the nota de remisión, instruction manual and all the items that were shipped.
The products must be shipped by FedEx, attaching the guide provided by costumer service at the time of the validation of the return.

You have up to 30 days after from the date of delivery to start the return process by contacting our costumer service at (+52) 228 411 5536.

Refunds are made to the method of payment and the account you provide us.
In case of cash purchases through the office building of the school, no refunds will apply due to you made the revision of your product sold by us physically, being a replacement of the product the only choice.

In case your product has extra gifts, all the products (books) or services that comprise the extra gifts must be returned with all the items you want to return.

The refund process caused by damages or defects will be initiated only after the reception of the product and by verifiying the conditions above.

All the received products will be subjected to an assessment in order to find out if the return fulfils the requirements stipulated by this policy. As long as the product or service that is returned fulfils the requirements of this policy, the customer may: in case of returns, obtain full refund of the expenses related to the purchase, with the exception of freight charges.

Order or services Cancellation

If you want to cancel an order or service online after processing it, please, call us (+52) 228 411 5536 an hour after it has been placed. We will make every effort to comply with your request. Once the order or service is processed, we are regret that we are not able to cancel or change it. Ocassionally, the commands or services of an order are cancelled due to different reasons including:

  1. Timetables or item (s) not available (s)
  2. Difficulty in processing payment information.
  3. It cannot be shipped to the provided address
  4. It was shipped to a duplicate address
  5. The client’s request
  6. The number of books exceded

If your order is cancelled, you will receive a notification via email to give you information about the cancellation. You will not be charged for any cancelled item. If you have any question about a cancelled order, please contact our online constumer service (+52) 228 411 5536 or via email

When your added monthly service is ready to be processed, we will send you a reminder via email notifying you that it was charged to your credit card.

After your first request of added monthly service, it can be cancelled and the intervals can be changed at any time, except when the service is already processed.

To cancel a purchase of an item or change your added monthly service, Click on View/ Edit My items, a service or and added monthly service in Your account section in Please, consider: the intervals must be adjusted for more than 2 working days from the current date.

Check the status of your orders of your most recent purchases visiting our Orders Tracking Page. Click on (FEDEX) and sing up to check the status of your purchase orders. To track your order via the shipping carrier, you can click on the tracking number to check the shipping status of your item

*Please, consider: The tracking information might not be available 24 hours before the order is shipped.