New Year: shared traditions

Once Christmas is over, we find ourselves looking forward to another of our favourite holidays: New Year! The family and friends gathering, the great dinner, the countdown before midnight, the fireworks display, and the emotional celebration are some of the traditional elements that we surely think of when we refer to this date.

However, we are not limited to just these traditions. There are some others that are also performed around the world. Interestingly, we give these traditions different meanings although we perform the same. Hence, we want to share with you some of them and what is their purpose in other countries.

  1. To clean up the house

Doing a thorough cleaning of the house and removing everything that is no longer needed is a common tradition in Mexico and other Latin American countries. By doing this, the following year will bring abundance and prosperity, although it may seem like a difficult task.

People in Japan take this tradition further than cleaning the house. They clean workplaces, temples and schools. They designate a specific day to do this cleaning with great commitment, starting early in the morning. This tradition is a way to start the year off right, leaving in the past the unnecessary loads. It is called Oosouji, which is translated as “great cleaning”.

  1. To eat lentils

Although it is performed in Mexico, this tradition is from Italy. It is very common for Italian people to have lentils as part of the menu on the December 31st dinner. Lentils symbolize wealth, due to their similarity to ancient coins. Some people even place them in wallets and bags where there is usually money.

  1. To eat 12 grapes

This originally Spanish tradition has reached the entire world, including countries such as France, England, the United States, Italy, and Latin American countries like Mexico, of course. According to the vox populi, each grape represents a month of the coming year, and eating them symbolises good luck; Thus, in order to achieve good luck throughout the year, each grape must be eaten one by one along the bells tolling 12 times.

  1. Bell Tolling

Speaking of bells, we may consider this one as a quite popular tradition. Generally, when midnight arrives, bells are tolled 12 times representing the 12 months of the year. This practice was born in Spain and is currently done in Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia and many other countries.

In Japan, instead of this, Buddhist temples toll their bells 108 times, to get rid of 108 “defects” that bring trouble to people. They call this tradition Jyoya no kane (除夜の鐘), which is translated as “New Year’s Eve bell”.

  1. To watch the first sunrise of the year

This is an important tradition in which we welcome the New Year and all that it’s bringing. Due to this fact, we aren’t the only ones who do it. In South Korea and Japan, for example, they even travel for hours to witness the first sunrise from the beach or from a mountain. It is very common to make wishes when you see the first sunshine.

  1. To visit friends and family

The first day of the year is a special day. We usually go to visit our relatives to deliver our best wishes to them in the new current year. Something curious about this tradition is that in England the first person who visits you settles how the year will go for you. If the first person who enters your house is a dark-haired man, it will suit you well, but if it is a blonde or redhead woman, it will bring you bad luck; This belief is associated with the history of Vikings invading England to loot.

Have you ever participated in any of these traditions? Do you know any other? Let us know in the comments!




The legend of the koi fish

I love fish. Several years ago, I installed a pond in my house, with plants, a heating system and a water filter, I got two koi fish. I looked at their behaviour for a few days and one thing that struck me was that they always seemed to want to swim against the current generated by the water filter.  Why would they do that? This became even more curious to me when I heard the legend of the koi fish.

The koi fish is also known as koi carp, or simply koi, and is native to Japan and China, although it now lives all over the world. We have probably seen them in ponds and oriental-style gardens. They are brightly coloured fish (red, yellow, orange, silver and others) that can measure 50 to 90 centimetres and live up to 65 years, under favourable conditions. But what is the legend about the koi fish?

There are different versions of this legend. One tells of fish swimming in the Yellow River in China. They all swam in the direction of the flow until one set himself the goal of swimming in the opposite direction and up the waterfall. Many others took up the challenge, but it was very difficult, as not only the waterfall pushed them down, but also the demons that guarded it. This continued for as long as it took until one of them managed to jump a little further and reached the top. The gods, observing the perseverance of this fish, decided to turn him into a dragon as a reward for having achieved his goal. Since then, it was said that the fish that managed to climb the waterfall would become a dragon.

Today, these fish are considered to attract prosperity in business and academic life. They are also considered a symbol of perseverance, as it is said that the koi’s ascent to the waterfall is tantamount to success in life.


British punctuality

For a long time, we have heard the rumour that the British are “excessively” punctual when it comes to making plans. If you agree with the word in inverted commas, it is probably due to the culture clash between the UK and the rest of Latin America. For their part, the British might consider that in Mexico we have a habit of being “excessively” flexible with our schedules, or at least that would be the polite way of referring to our punctuality.

Before anything else, let’s emphasise the term punctuality. The meaning of punctuality is to have the “quality of being punctual”. In turn, to be punctual means to perform actions in time and form as established by a person or people, or even an institution or organisation. This concept varies according to each culture in the world and by “vary” we refer to the difference between British culture and Mexican culture.

For example, take punctuality when arriving at a celebration. In Mexico, when we are invited to a party or meeting, culture dictates that we should arrive an hour after the scheduled time. If we arrive at the agreed time, we will realise that the party has not started. There are even cases where the hosts have not even started to prepare for their guests. On the other hand, in the UK, guests are expected to arrive specifically at the appointed time, except for the 15-minute tolerance that some claim to be fashionably late.

Do not be misled into thinking that such punctuality is inhuman. The British trick is to arrive a little earlier than agreed and wait. The above also applies when attending different types of events. For doctor’s appointments, job interviews and so on it is advisable to arrive 5 minutes early. For concerts, matches, and other artistic and sporting events, it is advisable to arrive 30 minutes early. The reason for this is to give people a few minutes to prepare themselves. In the first case, a book can be read while being called to the consulting room or office. In the second case, one can buy food and drinks and get ready to go in. Whether it is a case of arriving at the host’s home, it is important to wait a little while at the entrance until it is time to ring the doorbell.

However, all this is possible because not only are we the ones who arrive on time but also because events and meetings are scheduled to start at the established time. Likewise, in Mexico, a concert or game often starts up to an hour later than advertised. In other words, our culture shapes us and we shape our culture. It is just as important not to arrive late as it is not to arrive too early, as it can be considered rude. Waiting a few minutes at the entrance is as cordial to the hosts as it is to call to say you are late and apologise when you arrive.

No doubt this whole concept of “British punctuality” is totally different from what we know in our country. For this reason, it is essential to be well-informed about the customs of the country or continent we are visiting. It is not advisable to arrive an hour late for a meeting and make the joke about being “late as is common in our culture”.


Western Christmas

When we think of Christmas, we inevitably picture in our minds all those lights and decorations that embellish our houses and cities, as well as we imagine the scent of the delicious December 24th dinner or December 25th lunch. We will also think of the spark of joy of the little ones when they open their gifts, and the warmth we experience when we spend a holiday with our family and our loved ones. 

This celebration of Christian origin is not an exclusive tradition of our country, but it has spread throughout the world enough to be adopted by many other countries; Naturally, given that it represents one of everyone’s favourite moments of the year. But seriously, Christmas is different for every country; Many elements are shared between countries, but there are also different traditions and even different meanings for Christmas. We want to share with you what we know: we will show below how Christmas is celebrated in some countries: 



Streets and houses are decorated with many colourful lights and Christmas trees since the beginning of December. Although, the celebration does not happen on December 24th; The planning for the celebration to occur on the following day is made instead. Children hang socks in the living room or somewhere in the house for Santa Claus to fill them up with gifts. Christmas is then celebrated on the 25th, when the family exchanges gifts and, after they open them, everyone enjoy a meal. 

On December 26th, Boxing Day is celebrated, or also known as the second day of Christmas. It is considered a national holiday where people traditionally give boxes with donations to others in need; The word “boxing” refers to “box”. 



In France, Christmas takes place on the night of December 24th. As in many other countries, it is very common to find Christmas decorations such as colourful lights, pine trees, and many other flashy ornaments. Although France is considered a secular country, many people assist to the Midnight Mass or Messe de Minuit, which is celebrated in the afternoon. 

The family dinner is perhaps the most important part of the whole tradition. Typical French dishes are generally served on the table, such as foie-gras or escargots (snails). The main course may be either stuffed turkey or capon. Traditional dessert Bûche de Noël (or Christmas log), which is a kind of cake rolled up and covered in chocolate, is likely never missing on this celebration. 

At the end of dinner, children leave their slipper under the tree before going to sleep, and the next day they find it full of sweets. In France, it is Santa Claus, or Père Noël, who is in charge of leaving sweets and some gifts for children who have behaved well throughout the year. 



Italian people share the following saying: Natale con i tuoi, Pascua con chi vuoi, which can be translated as “Christmas with your loved ones, Easter with whoever you want”; This saying gives us a good idea of how it is celebrated in Italy. The typical Christmas decorations begin to be placed on December 8th, which include coloured lights, Christmas trees (which usually is a natural pine) and the nativity scene, also known as a “crib” or “manger”; the latter consists of a tiny representation of Jesus’ birth, according to the Christianity. 

On the night of December 24th, la cenone (or great dinner) is held. Traditionally, the whole family meets to have dinner and spend time together. The most common main course is fish with vegetables, although, it varies depending on the region. The most important thing of Christmas is that there is plenty of food on the table and that the whole family is together. Italian people usually eat panettone for dessert, which is a type of sweet bread with chocolate or candied fruit. 

On Christmas night, Babbo Natale, who is the Italian version of Santa Claus, is the one who brings gifts to children if they are asleep. Also, there is a tradition similar to the Three Kings of January 6th, called Befana. It is told that a woman gives sweets and gifts to children who have behaved well, but if they have behaved badly, she only gives them a piece of coal. 



We are very likely to find the houses of Portugal decorated as in Italy and other countries. The Christmas pine is never missing nor adorned with hanging spheres and colourful lights. Next to the pine, there is always a place for the manger. It is also common to see manger scenes of different sizes in churches and even on the streets. 

The Christmas dinner of December 24th is called Consoada in Portugal. The traditional dish is boiled octopus or cod, although stuffed turkey has also gained popularity in recent years. A dessert that is never missing in Christmas dinner is the Bolo Rei, which is quite similar to the well-known Mexican Rosca de Reyes. 

After dinner, families usually go to the Missa do Galo, or Midnight Mass celebrated exactly at midnight. Returning home after mass, the image of baby Jesus is placed in the manger. Gifts are also exchanged, either at that time or along December 25th. 




Christmas in Brazil is a bit different. While most countries celebrate Christmas in winter (just like us), in Brazil it’s midsummer. It is very common to see many people celebrating on the beach during the Christmas season. There are also lots of Christmas trees (mostly artificial pines) and decorations that symbolise Christmas, as well as the nativity scene, called presepio/manjedoura in Portuguese. 

By tradition, the family gathers for dinner on the night of December 24th, and not only the close family, but the whole one instead, including uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc.; It’s a big family dinner. In the past, Brazilians used to wait until midnight for Christmas dinner, but today many have chosen to eat earlier. Among the main courses, we may find roast turkey and pork leg, and for dessert, they often have Italian panettone, or pavê, which is some kind of Brazilian tiramisu. 

After dinner, people usually exchange gifts and hugs. In the early morning of December 25th, it is said that Santa Claus goes to relax on the Brazilian beaches and that he shows appreciation by leaving gifts for the children. Brazilians typically represent him with his usual red suit, but using shorts instead of pants, and relaxing under the sun, in the middle of the waves. 

What do you think about Christmas? How do you celebrate it? Let us know in the comments! 



Eastern Christmas

Christmas came into being with the Christian religion. In countries where this religion predominates, it is very common to celebrate it in a big way and with very similar traditions, such as mass and dinner on the 24th of December, or a family meal on the 25th. But Christmas is not exclusive to Christians; it has become so popular that it is even celebrated in a secular way, making this celebration more varied. In general, it is a celebration mainly for relaxation, spending time with family, sharing a nice meal, and giving gifts. 

In Asia, Christmas is considered an alien celebration, since the predominant religions are Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam, and not Christianity as it is in Europe or America. However, such is the impact that Christmas has had on the world that it has been adopted and adapted in countries such as South Korea, Japan, and China, although the way it is celebrated is somewhat different. Do you know how it is celebrated? 

South Korea 

Christmas decorations in South Korea can be found in shops and establishments, as well as pine trees decorated with lights and spheres, just like in our country, but in this country, the celebration has a slightly different meaning, as the population is mainly Buddhist, and they celebrate in a secular way. 

Christians in South Korea, who make up about 30 percent of the population, treat it as a religious holiday and have dinner with their families on 24 December, even though there are no different dishes than the ones they eat every day. The others prefer to take the 25th as a day off and choose to go shopping, go out for fun with friends, watch Christmas-themed movies at the cinema, and do other more everyday activities. 

Couples and engaged couples often have dinner together on this date. It is like a second Valentine’s Day, and they exchange gifts. Incidentally, many couples try to coincide Christmas with the 100th day of their relationship. Starting on 17 September, also called Gobaek Day (Confession Day), they try to give or receive a declaration of love so that they can spend Christmas together. 


In Japan, the percentage of the population that is Christian is even smaller than in South Korea, as Buddhism and the country’s own religion, Shintoism, predominate. Due to its popularity, Christmas has also come to Japan, but its meaning has been adapted to Japanese culture. Thus, we can find all the typical decorations and ornaments, along with pine trees specially illuminated with coloured lights in shops and public spaces, but not so much in homes. 

December 25 is not considered a holiday, so the Japanese go to school and work like any other day. At the end of the day, it is very common to go shopping for the family or partner, as Christmas for them means giving a gift. Parents usually give presents to their children instead of Father Christmas. 

For Christmas dinner, the main dish is usually chicken from KFC. It may not seem special to us, or the typical gala dish for the occasion, but for them, it has become a tradition. For dessert, they usually eat Christmas Cake, which is a cake topped with cream and strawberries. 


In China, Christmas is a foreign holiday. In the 1980s, the government itself declared that Christmas is an irrational holiday that goes against socialism and Chinese traditions. There are even cities where it is forbidden to put up Christmas decorations and organise Christmas dinners, as in Liaoning. Despite the high export of Christmas products, it is not a bank holiday in China, nor is it as relevant as its own celebrations. For many Chinese, Christmas is simply a time for eating and gift-giving. 

However, in recent years, especially for young people, Christmas has become more widespread and is slowly becoming accepted in society. Some people put up Christmas trees in their businesses and homes. There is a tradition of giving red apples on Christmas between couples, as the word they use for “peaceful night” (ping’an ye) has a similar pronunciation to “apple” (pingguo). Exchanging gifts has also become popular and many take advantage of discounts at large shops. 

Christmas is mostly an excuse to spend time with family or friends, exchanging gifts and eating. The main dish at Christmas dinner is fish. For this reason, the spelling of “fish” is used as a sinogram for “abundance”. 

What do you think about Christmas, how do you celebrate it, let us know in the comments!