Every year, October 1 is celebrated as China’s National Day, called 国庆节 (Guóqìngjié) in Chinese. It is one of the seven major holidays in this beautiful country. 

The significance of this day dates back to the fall of the Chinese empire in early 1912, when Pu Yi, the last Emperor who was only 6 years old, was overthrown. Subsequently, China went through a long period of civil war to take control of a country that had evolved from a centuries-old empire to a new republic, as well as the Japanese invasion during World War II. 

On 1st October 1949, Mao Zedong’s Communist Government defeated Chiang Kai Cheng’s nationalists and founded the People’s Republic of China known nowadays, finally bringing stability to the country. Therefore, this day was decreed to be the National Day of the People’s Republic of China. 

Furthermore, every October 1, the country dresses up in patriotic colours, and portraits of national leaders are displayed. Tian’anmen Square, where Chairman Mao Zedong raised China’s first communist national flag, is decorated with flowers and flags. The celebrations, which start with the national flag raising in this square, include concerts, cultural and sporting events, and fireworks that light up the whole country. Anyone can attend these events, which is the reason why many foreigners visit China at this time of year. 

Around this time there are 7 days to celebrate, known as the Golden Week, which is taken advantage of by the inhabitants to travel around the country, thus encouraging a lot of tourism (hence the name). This season is also a good time to go for a walk and enjoy the days off, and shops even offer special discounts. 

Every 10 years, large military parades are organised to commemorate the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The last parade was seen in 2019, so if we want to see it again, we would have to wait until 2029. 

Finally, visitors who wish to visit China during the National Holiday season will undoubtedly find many shows and celebrations of great cultural value, but it is important to bear in mind that tourism is also very busy at this time of year and everything should be planned well in advance.