o I believe that, over time, people are drawn more and more towards Asian culture, which is why I would like to talk about one of my favorite holidays. Even if the season is not here yet, I am looking forward to it, which is why I will tell you about what happens during that time.

The Mongolians carried one of the celebrations of the mid-autumn festival out at the end of the Yuan dynasty (1271-1368). During that time, Han’s people’s army wanted to overthrow the Mongolian government, since Chinese people were going through hardship. Therefore, they plan an uprising to overthrow them, but they had no way of communicating with all the Han Chinese people.

After thinking of a way to inform every one of their plan, Liu Bowen, a military advisor within Han people’s army, found out that Mongolian people disliked Moon cakes, since they were made with sweet beans. Therefore, he asked all the bakers, cooks and families to place a small paper inside the cakes with the call for arms on the night of the celebration.

As people ate the pastries, they received the message and readied for the fight on that same evening. That is how they were able to fight off the Mongolian army.

The method told in this tale is very clever and creative. With the help of moon cakes, the Chinese people were able to free themselves and now, every mid-autumn festival, they celebrate their freedom with their families and moon cakes.

However, this is not the only reason why this festival is celebrated, but I will tell you all about it in the next entry.

Stay tuned!